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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Blackberry Storm - Review

Hmm, storm, well, it took the market and advertising world by storm. Funny thing, once you get one, it's more of an annoying drizzle.

I've had mine since December, so about 6 months now. I'd love to rave about it, but I just can't.

I have to pull the battery at least once a week as it locks up.
Typing is difficult at best, and their built in typing assistant never seems to type what you want.
I am not impressed with the built in "gyro" or whatever it is they use to sense the phones position for viewing. It works 50% of the time at best. Too many times I have been trying to show someone something and completely give up when the phone freezes.

My main issue with this "device" is that I need a phone with features, not feature (that don't work) with an inadequate phone. The phone is horrible. I make a lot of calls, and this has to be the most difficult "phone" I've ever used.

Media: It plays movies, even .avis I load onto the card, very well. Sound and picture are good, but I can't remember the last time I wanted to watch a movie on a 3" screen. Is everyone really so desperate to be in their own little world that they have to watch movie son their phone?
For music it's decent. Sound it good and battery life is decent. What I don't like is using the proprietary PITA software to create playlists and such. There are limited options and it is often difficult to get things just the way you want them.

Network connectivity: The idiot that thought Wifi was not needed in this should be drawn and quartered. Seriously? And they thought this could compete with the iPhone? Not even close. Another PITA connectivity issues I have is that if the battery dies, and you put it on the charger, you have to manually go into the setup and reconnect to the mobile network EVERY TIME. REALLY? How bad of a design is that. It's a mobile convenience device, with the most inconvenient options available. Good design.

Getting the sense of my opinion yet?

Pros: My contract with this phone will some day end and I can get something that doesn't suck.
Cons: Pretty much everything. It will make a great paperweight when I'm done.

.5/5 - It turns on, and I can get calls, so I have to give it some credit.

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